Advance Cosmetic Treatments
We can treat many unsightly skin lesions, skin blemishes, that have affected your wellbeing and confidence. Mostly treated lesions do not return but others may. Your electrologist will discuss this with you during consultation.
Electrolysis treatment has been used for more than 100 years. Today we still use this quick technique to treat and remove a wide range of skin lesions and blemishes. After the treatment results are very pleasing and can be life-changing. Before any skin lesion removal treatment process, diagnosis is very important. if Satwinder is concerned about any skin lesions or blemishes she will advice you too see a doctor or a skin specialist.
1. Pacemaker
2. Keloids scarring
3. Blood clotting
4. Metal implants
5. High blood pressure
6. Diabetes
7. Cold sores, herpes
8. Pregnancy
If you have any above health conditions, please discuss them in consultation before we process any skin lesion removal treatment.
We can treat:
Skin tags
Red vein (telangiectasia)
Blood spots
Age spots
Dermatosis papulose Nigra (DPN)
Seborrheic keratosis
Sebaceous hyperplasia
Skin Tags
What are skin tags?
Skin tags are small, noncancerous growth that forms when the skin rubs against itself. Skin tags can vary in size, shape, and attachment. Some stay small and some grow bigger. They can range in diameter from 2mm to 1 centimeter, and some grow even bigger.
As skin tags are usually harmless, removal is normally for cosmetic reasons and mental well-being.
They are often found in areas where there is friction, such as where the skin creases like the neck, armpits, groin area, waistline.
Skin tags can be easily removed in a single treatment of diathermy. We cut them with our electrolysis machine by cauterizing them off the skin surface. Normally take 15 to 20 minutes it depends on how many your tags need to remove. Skin tag removal procedures can cause mild discomfort only for a few seconds and after that skin will be slightly red and tender.
After the treatment you see your skin looking smooth. A small crust will appear on the treated area and after a day or two will fall off naturally. It is important not to scratch or rub these crusts as they form as part of the skin’s natural healing process. Straight after treatment, we apply aloe vera cream to soothe the skin. Follow care instructions below:
Avoid touching the treated area so the transfer of bacteria will be limited.
Avoid any activity that could cause sweating like exercise, hot tub, spas, swimming, etc. These activities can increase inflammation.
Avoid using harsh skincare as these will cause irritation.
Do not scrub the treated area for a week.
Avoid direct sunlight or sunbed treatment. If you go out, make sure to wear sun protection.
Follow your treatment plan and after-care.
Contact your electrologist about any unusual reaction immediately.
Consultation Free
5 minutes $30.00
10 minutes $50.00
20 minutes $65.00
RED VEIN (telangiectasia)
What are red veins?
There are two types of red veins, thread veins, and spider veins.
Thread veins on the surface of the skin are blood capillaries that have become visible under the skin they normally appear around the nose.
Spider veins are central dilated blood vessels with smaller capillaries radiating like legs of a spider. They can be found in isolation and clumps together on the cheeks, face, legs, and chest. The color of these veins can be blue, purple, or red.
There are a number of causes for veins: Sun damage, trauma, hormones, hereditary, aging, excessive exercise, harsh weather, etc.
These veins can be treated with electrolysis diathermy treatment. The tip of the finest probe is introduced along the line of the capillary and a tiny current is discharged. This process will destroy the vessels. Most veins can be treated in a single session although some may require more than one treatment, it depends on how big area we are treating. Red vein treatment is not very painful. You will only feel a little stingy. After the treatment skin will be red and inflamed. Straight after the treatment, we apply aloe vera cream to soothe the skin. If we do a big area, we give some aloe vera cream to clients to reapply again for one more day. The fine crust will appear over the treated area as the skin heals. Please follow the aftercare instruction below:
Avoid touching the treated area so the transfer of bacteria will be limited.
Avoid any activity that could cause sweating like exercise, hot tub, spas, swimming, etc. These activities can increase inflammation.
Avoid using harsh skincare as these will cause irritation.
Do not scrub the treated area for a week.
Do not pick scabs.
Avoid direct sunlight or sunbed treatment. If you go out, make sure to wear sun protection.
Follow your treatment plan and after-care.
Contact your electrologist about any unusual reaction immediately.
5 minutes. $30.00
10 minutes $50.00
15 minutes $55.00
What are blood spots?
Blood spots are red or little purple superficial vascular blemishes that often appear on the skin as a slightly red blister. These blood spots are known as Cherry Angioma. They can vary in size from pin dots to a large blister. They are not painful or harmful but may bleed when scratched.
Diathermy electrolysis treatment can desiccate the tissue and cauterize blood. Most of the time only need one treatment depending on how many spots we are treating. Once your skin starts healing do not scrub or rub the treated area.
Consultation Free
5 minutes $30.00
10 minutes $50.00
20 minutes $65.00
What are age spots?
Whether you can call them age spots, liver spots, sunspots, brown spots this lesion of discoloration commonly appears on our hands, neck, shoulders, and face as we get older. They are caused by a build-up of melanin and lipofuscin in the connective tissue and are completely harmless.
Diathermy treatment is very effective and has quick results. There is no need to wait for these spots to disappear. After the treatment skin will heal within 7 to 10 days. Do not rub or scrub or pick your skin.
Consultation Free
5 minutes $30.00
10 minutes $50.00
20 minutes $65.00
What is dermatosis papulose nigra?
Dermatosis papulose nigra are small brown or black raised areas of skin. They can appear on the face, cheeks, temples, eyes, and chest. They can increase with age. Some people only develop a few bumps, while others have many covering large parts of their skin. They are not harmful but can impact your well-being.
The exact cause of DPN remains unclear but can be a genetic condition. A 2017 study found DPN more common in women.
Electrolysis diathermy current can treat those blemishes with extreme precision. Scabs will appear after 2-3 days, and they fall off around after 7 to 10 days. Aftercare instruction below:
Avoid touching the treated area so the transfer of bacteria will be limited.
Avoid any activity that could cause sweating like exercise, hot tub, spas, swimming, etc. These activities can increase inflammation.
Avoid using harsh skincare as these will cause irritation.
Do not scrub the treated area for a week.
Do not pick scabs. They do fall once healed.
Avoid direct sunlight or sunbed treatment. If you go out, make sure to wear sun protection.
Follow your treatment plan and after-care.
Contact your electrologist about any unusual reaction immediately.
Consultation. Free
5 minutes $30.00
10 minutes $50.00
20 minutes $65.00
What is Syringoma?
Syringomas are non-cancerous benign. They are normally found on the face upper cheeks, lower eyes lids. They are completely harmless and caused by an overgrowth of cells from sweat glands. (Eccrine glands). Many people want to remove them for their cosmetic reasons.
Electrolysis diathermy current can cauterize or burn them with very gentle precise treatment. Our machine can create a very tiny amount of heat that can prevent scarring. We like to use just enough current to dry out the lesion only. Please follow the aftercare instructions below:
Avoid touching the treated area so the transfer of bacteria will be limited.
Avoid any activity that could cause sweating like exercise, hot tub, spas, swimming, etc. These activities can increase inflammation.
Avoid using harsh skincare as these will cause irritation.
Do not scrub the treated area for a week.
Do not pick scabs. They do fall once healed.
Avoid direct sunlight or sunbed treatment. If you go out, make sure to wear sun protection.
Follow your treatment plan and after-care.
Contact your electrologist about any unusual reaction immediately.
Consultation Free
5 minutes. . $30.00
10 minutes. $50.00
20 minutes $65.00
What are Xanthelasmas?
Xanthelasmas are a slightly raised deposit found on the surface of the upper or lower eyelids. They are harmless eyelid growth that looks like a yellowish fat deposit in the skin. Xanthomas can vary in size. The growth can be small as a pinhead or as large as a grape. They usually don’t cause any pain.
Xanthelasma is often caused by abnormal blood fat levels(hyperlipidemia)or high blood cholesterol levels. This may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.
A tiny current is applied to the growth area by a very small probe. This works by shrinking or drying out and removing the fatty deposit from within the growth. We only treat small xanthomas.
During the treatment process you may feel uncomfortable, but this does dissipate fast. We only offer 5 minutes each eye treatment because the eye area is very soft and sensitive. After a few days, tiny scabs or dry skin will appear due to the natural healing process. Do not scrub, scratch or pick the skin.
Xanthomas can come back after some time. The treatment will need to be repeated. It is also important to maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels. Do regular check-ups with your doctor too.
Consultation Free
5 minutes $30.00
10 minutes $50.00
What is seborrheic keratosis?
Seborrheic keratosis is a benign cause of aging, genetics, and sun damage. It is also known as seborrheic warts, barnacles. They have a thick wart-like surface and are usually colorless when they appear and become brown to black over time. They can be confused with the skin conditions, so it is important to check with GP before we process the treatment. They are not contagious. They usually cause no problem but for some people, it may be itchy.
Our electrolysis machine is used to treat seborrheic keratosis benign use diathermy current. It produces a very tiny amount of heat that limits the scarring. We only use enough current to just dry out the lesion. If we treat slightly bigger keratosis they can bleed but very quickly, it stops. You may need more than one treatment to completely burn the keratosis. Follow aftercare below:
Avoid touching the treated area so the transfer of bacteria will be limited.
Avoid any activity that could cause sweating like exercise, hot tub, spas, swimming, etc. These activities can increase inflammation.
Avoid using harsh skincare as these will cause irritation.
Do not scrub the treated area for a week.
Do not pick scabs. They do fall once healed.
Avoid direct sunlight or sunbed treatment. If you go out, make sure to wear sun protection.
Follow your treatment plan and after-care.
Contact your electrologist about any unusual reaction immediately.
Consultation Free
5 minutes $30.00
10 minutes $50.00
20 minutes $65.00
What is sebaceous hyperplasia?
Sebaceous hyperplasia is another skin lesion that mostly appears on the face and forehead. Hyperplasia is a collection of sebaceous gland cells. They are mostly seen on oily skin. Sebaceous hyperplasia spots are usually two to five centimeters in diameter and the color is slightly yellow. They are normally harmless. Squeezing or pricking does not remove them in fact this can cause them to grow larger.
We can treat them with electric diathermy current. Our very fine tip needle can cauterize them with heat. After a few days, some scabs will appear and then they fall. You even don’t notice that but after around 10 days you see your skin feels smooth on the treated area. During healing time do not pick, rub or scrub. Leave the skin alone to heal well.
For the best results to achieve with any skin lesion removal, I strongly advise my clients to follow the aftercare instruction well.
Avoid touching the treated area so the transfer of bacteria will be limited.
Avoid any activity that could cause sweating like exercise, hot tub, spas, swimming, etc. These activities can increase inflammation.
Avoid using harsh skincare as these will cause irritation.
Do not scrub the treated area for a week.
Do not pick scabs. They do fall once healed.
Avoid direct sunlight or sunbed treatment. If you go out, make sure to wear sun protection.
Follow your treatment plan and after-care.
Contact your electrologist about any unusual reaction immediately.
Consultation Free
5 minutes. $30.00
10 minutes $50.00
20 minutes $65.00
What is micro-needling and how does it work?
Micro-needling is also known as collagen induction therapy or dermal needling. Micro-needling is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that is used to treat skin concerns via collagen production. Dermal needling devices use very fine, surgical stainless needles to make hundreds of microscopic injuries in the skin and this injury or wounds healing process stimulates collagen production, which helps your skin to rejuvenate, youthful-looking, and smooth skin. Needling treatment can also be used to treat and improve acne scars, sun damage, rosacea, stretch marks, open pores, hyperpigmentation, etc.
Treatment procedure:
If the customer wants to use anesthetic cream for comfort, we will apply this 30 minutes before the treatment procedure. We do discuss this in the consultation. You must book a consultation prior to this treatment.
The dermal needling treatment process makes small pricks under the skin with a derma pen device. The pinpricks are so small that you likely won’t notice them after the procedure. Your therapist will apply serums and then moves the device evenly across your skin and you may see some pinprick bleeding. You may notice some skin irritation and redness within the first few days following the procedure. This is a natural response to the small “injuries” made by the needles in your skin. Downtime of this treatment is very little. You can go back to work after the procedure if you are comfortable.
You are pregnant or breastfeeding.
You have certain skin issues like active eczema, cold sores, active acne, psoriasis.
Any open wounds.
Raised moles
Blood clotting condition.
Keloid scarring
Aftercare and home care:
Immediately after the treatment avoids touching your skin to avoid the infection.
Avoid exercise that causes sweating as well as spas, swimming, and saunas
Avoid heavy makeup
Avoid going out without sun protection.
Sleep on your back with the head of the bed elevated to minimize swelling and change the pillowcase the night of the procedure if a facial treatment was performed.
Avoid harsh chemical products and toners as they may cause irritation.
Apply gentle moisturizer and serums to keep skin hydrated.
Peeling may start 3-5 days after the treatment. You may notice that your skin is dry and flaky due to the turnover of skin cells. Please do not pick or scrub the treated area. Let the skin naturally fall off.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if have any concerns.
To achieve the best results, we recommend that you repeat dermal needling treatment every 6 weeks, depending on your personalized care plan.
Consultation free
Full face with serum $85.00
Fill face & decollate with serum $125.00
Anaesthetic application (optional) $25.00
What is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is the most effective, and non-invasive skin resurfacing process available. It is an alternative to chemical peeling. Microdermabrasion is an electrical device with a diamond head containing very fine artificial diamond particles which glides over your skin to exfoliate the skin and suction is used to vacuum up the dead skin. The suction is also working as a deep massage on the skin making the procedure relaxing. The fresh skin just below the surface is then exposed, creating a glowing new complexion. You may return to normal activity immediately. Microdermabrasion procedure followed by good mask and finished of with serum and moisturizer. Results will be noticeable from the first treatment. Sun protection is a must apply after the treatment.
Microdermabrasion can be effective in reducing the appearance of:
Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Acne Scars
Sun Damage
Uneven Skin Tones
Enlarged Pores
Although microdermabrasion is a safe treatment, there are some contraindications to the procedure
. You have severe active acne.
. You have a rash, open wound, or other skin irritation.
. If you have rosacea in this case your skin is very sensitive. This treatment flares up rosacea.
Consultation free
30 mins microdermabrasion $65.00
60 mins microdermabrasion $80.00
What is a chemical peel?
A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure that is safe, easy, and quick to receive, and the end result is skin that is smoother, less wrinkly, more glowing, and can also be more even skin tone color. The treatment is a non-invasive option that is popular amongst people who have sun-damaged skin, aged skin, acne scars, and acne. Fine lines around the mouth, and under the eyes are excellent areas for chemical peels to be performed. More and more people are after skin rejuvenation and want to slow down the effects of aging, and chemical peels are increasingly becoming reliable procedures to achieve these beauty goals. There are various peel options available depending on the customer’s specific needs, and their desired outcome.
So, what happens is a chemical solution gets applied to the skin where the treatment is needed, and the solution causes the top layers of the skin to peel off – allowing new skin to brilliantly generate itself. Gardenia beauty clinic only offers a LIGHT and MEDIUM chemical peel treatment.
Chemical peel treatment procedure:
In preparation for a chemical peel, the patient’s skin is first gently cleansed. Then the chemical solution is applied to the targeted areas. The specific formulation and concentration of the chemical acid to be used is decided in consultation with client according to their skins needs. As the chemical solution works on the skin, the client will typically feel a warm tingling or stinging sensation. After the chemical solution has been on the skin for the prescribed amount of time, your therapist will wash it away with water and will apply a mask or soothing moisturizer.
Light chemical peels:
A light (superficial) chemical peel removes the outer layer of skin (epidermis). It's used to treat fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and dryness. These peels typically use alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA) and are a mild choice for your skin. AHA peels also known as glycolic peel comes from sugar cane, lactic peel from milk, malic acid peel from pear and apple. BHA peels also known as salicylic acid is derived from fruits, vegetables, and willow bark. Salicylic acid chemical peels are especially effective in eliminating acne. Beta hydroxy acids are helpful because they can exfoliate oily skin and deeply penetrate the skin with no irritation. You can receive light chemical peels regularly to achieve your desired results. You might have a light peel every two to five weeks.
Medium chemical peel:
A medium chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis). It's used to treat wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. You might need to repeat the procedure to achieve or maintain the desired results. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or glycolic acid’s Higher strength can be used in medium peels. These acids can cause more redness stinging and flaking than light peels, but results are more noticeably smoother and younger-looking after the treatment.
Before any sort of chemical peel treatment we do, consultation is a must to customize the right peel treatment for you.
Aftercare instruction:
Do your best to avoid touching, picking, or scratching your skin.
After your peel treatment, your skin will likely be dry and sensitive. Make sure you apply a gentle moisturizer to your skin.
Protect your skin from the sun. Whenever going out make sure to use good sunscreen.
Keep your skin routine simple and gentle.
Do not sweat too much after the peel treatment salt can cause a stinging sensation which may cause irritation.
Do not exfoliate your skin if you feel dry and flaky just moisturize.
Good chemical peel treatment aftercare is all about healing. Let your skin repair itself before rushing to another skincare treatment - wait at least for 1-2 weeks.
Consultation Free
AHA peel (30 mins) $60.00
Radiance complex (AHA/BHA) peel (30 mins) $60.00
TCA peel (60mins) $110.00