What is electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a safe, effective, progressively permanent method of removing unwanted hair. Electrolysis has been around for more than 100 years. It is the only FDA-approved method of permanent hair removal. Laser or IPL can work on only light skin colour and dark hair colour, but electrolysis can work on any skin colour or any hair type. Electrolysis can treat most areas of the body i.e., back, bikini, legs, face, underarms, fingers, toes and brows. The most popular areas that we treat are face lip, chin. This treatment needs consultation prior to your first treatment.
How does electrolysis treatment work?
A tiny probe about the size of an eyelash is inserted into the hair follicle where a short burst of energy is targeted at the root of the hair. This burst of energy prevents nutrients from feeding follicles and the new hair growth becomes weaker and finer. After a course of treatments, the follicles are no longer able to produce new hair and complete hair free results are achieved. Each hair requires a number of treatments because each follicle has its own growth cycle. It works by weakening the hair and eventually destroying its ability to produce hairs.
How does the electrolysis treatment process feel?
When your electrologist starts the treatment, you may feel a momentary heat sensation as the hair follicle is being treated. We then gently remove the hair and it should slide out. We never tug on the hair with tweezers. If the treatment is not done accurately, you will feel the tug. Straight after treatment, we apply a soothing ointment. Everyone has their own tolerance to pain. Electrolysis has been linked to a stinging and pricking sensation and each follicle must go through it. Discomfort is minimal for most people. My clients sometimes can fall asleep during the treatment.
How many treatments do I need?
The number of sessions needed to achieve permanent hair removal differs from person to person. During your consultation, your electrologist will explain how many treatments and how long treatments need to be to achieve the desired results. Therefore, a consultation is a must prior to electrolysis treatment.
How will the skin react?
Immediately after the treatment, you may experience slight redness and tenderness which usually disappears in a couple of hours. After the treatment, we do use a roller with a small electric charge which calms and soothes the skin faster and finish with applying aloe vera cream.
How does the skin heal?
Scabs may appear as tiny dots on the treated area. These scabs normally disappear within a week. Do not scratch or remove the scabs but inform your electrologist. This can be an indication of the current being used may be a little strong. Your electrologist will check your settings to suit your skin.
If skin heals with small white coloured pimples
This can be a reaction to the aftercare or cross-infection.
Do not touch your treated area with dirty hands.
Do not pick the pimples.
Do not rub your skin.
Only apply pure aloe vera gel or cream this will help to heal the skin.
Always inform your electrologist if any reaction happens to your skin.
People with medical health issues may not be able to have electrolysis treatment. We always recommend consultation before we process any treatment. During consultation, we discuss everything about the treatment process, contraindication, after care etc.
High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Hepatitis, HIV Aids, Herpes, Cold Sores, Keloid Scarring, Heart Conditions, Blood Clotting etc.
It is very important to look after the treated area, especially on the first day of the treatment. After the treatment, you may feel slightly tender and look red around the treated area. Proper aftercare and hygiene are very important to help your skin heal well.
Aftercare begins at the clinic after your treatment. Straight after the treatment we use an electric current to soothe the skin and apply aloe vera cream and the client must follow the home care instruction below:
Avoid touching the treated area so the transfer of bacteria will be limited.
Avoid any activity that could cause sweating like exercise, hot tub, spas, swimming etc. These activities can increase inflammation.
Avoid using harsh skin care as these will cause irritation.
Do not scrub the treated area for a week.
Do not pick scabs that may form but inform your Electrologist about them.
Avoid direct sunlight or sun bed treatment. If you go out, make sure to wear sun protection.
Do not pluck, thread or tweeze or remove the hair between electrolysis treatment.
Follow your treatment plan and after care.
Contact your Electrologist about any unusual reaction immediately.
Note: Gardenia beauty clinic can offer you laser or IPL consultation but not the treatment as we don’t have the machine yet. Satwinder is fully qualified as a laser and IPL (intense pulse light) technician.
Consultation Free
5 minutes $18.00
10 minutes $25.00
15 minutes $30.00
20 minutes $35.00
30 minutes $45.00
45 minutes $55.00
60 minutes $60.00